Ditch the Free Coffee- Quit the Corporate Life

The funny thing about lawn mowing, house cleaning and dog walking is that they were never anyone's dream career growing up, ESPECIALLY from our parents point of view. Getting into a nice corporate office with a kitchen where there was free communal coffee USED to be the dream. I mean it's free coffee, right?! For me, what came along with that free coffee was the pressure to become like everyone else in that 6 story building, say the "right" things, keep your head down, and don't get caught up in office politics. One plus? I got to bring in my own coffee mug ;) At one point, I realized that everyone was speaking the same language as their manager. It's human nature for survival to blend in so we aren't cast out of the tribe to fend for ourselves. "Say the right thing, keep your head down, and don't get caught in office politics." The fear of being left out kept hundreds of people employed.
What do you want more of?
People are finally realizing that they WANT more: More from their jobs, their products, and their lives. Happiness is a factor when deciding where to work. More people are going out on their own because of the fear of not running their own lives. Service jobs are becoming more than what your neighborhood teenager did for extra money. Dog walking, housekeeping, and landscaping have become lucrative careers. These days, it's preferred to do business with other people you can see, know and trust. Personal touches, craftsmanship, and local flare are what large corporations lack and what consumers are looking for in customer experience.
Looking to go out on your own? Ditch the free coffee and pick up a leash.